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About us

Learn our founder

Photo of Kelly Redden

The Founder

Kelly Redden has worked with autistic individuals for 18 years throughout 13 countries. She holds an MEd in special education as well as a PgDip in analysis and intervention in learning disabilities. She has worked as a coach, trainer, consultant, teacher and therapist with children, teens and adults on the spectrum, and was recently diagnosed as autistic. With the Voltti recruitment software programme, her focus is on getting more autistic adults into employment, via the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals including access to quality education, decent work, and economic growth, and reducing inequalities. She is highly creative, dedicated, driven and focused on promoting the rights of autistic individuals, as they have been marginalised for decades throughout every aspect of society She is a lifelong learner, and is currently taking an ADHD accreditation course to enhance her knowledge as approximately 30% of autists also have ADHD

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